River West Working Group and Price Hill Will are pleased to announce they have received two grants to create a park framework plan for Price Landing, a natural riverfront park along the Ohio River next to Lower Price Hill. Interact for Health has committed $30,000 to the project, and The Greater Cincinnati Foundation is contributing $16,000. River West Working Group will be managing the design process in coordination with Glaserworks and Human Nature, who have been hired to create the plan for the park. Work on the plan is underway now and will be complete by summer 2015. The process will include several consultations with stakeholders and meetings for community input. The framework plan will delineate the major features of the park and include a preliminary budget for the construction of the project.

Tom Croft, Co-Chair of River West Working Group said, “This is a very exciting addition to the many positive developments driving the ongoing revitalization of our West Side neighborhoods. With a park at Price Landing and the expansion and renovation of the Cincinnati Recreation’s nearby Evans Fields, Lower Price Hill will be a true ‘recreation destination.’ It is very encouraging that such Cincinnati stalwarts as Interact for Health and the Greater Cincinnati Foundation are investing in the revitalization of the West Side.”

Co-Chair Dave Zelman said, “Price Landing is also a key piece of our work toward realization of the Ohio River Trail West. It is at the east end of the first phase of the trail, with planning well underway to link Lower Price Hill to the Gilday Recreation Complex in Riverside. This park will serve as a gateway to western Hamilton County, and be a positive addition to our region.”
Price Hill Will Executive Director, Ken Smith, said, “This is the kind of transformative project that Price Hill Will wants to support. Price Landing will litterally be life-changing for the people of Lower Price Hill, who will see an area steps away from their residences, schools and businesses transformed from industrial use to public recreation. Price Landing will be a great natural resoue for the West Side and all of Greater Cincinnati, with connections to a huge network of bike trails and the only natural waterfront access in Cincinnati.”

River West Working Group’s mission is to foster communication among West Side neighborhoods about development and land use issues, and to promote proactive strategies to make our City an attractive place to live and work. It has advocated for the park since 2007, when a barge terminal was proposed for the area of the planned park. The group worked with the City to change the zoning and dedicate the 16-acre site to public recreational use. River West Working Group is also a proponent of the Ohio River Trail West, a system of bikeways and greenways along the Ohio River linking many parks and greenspaces from Smale Riverfront Park to Shawnee Lookout.
Price Hill Will is a nonprofit community development corporation working to revitalize East, West and Lower Price Hill through real estate redevelopment, economic revitalization and community engagement through the arts and green initiatives.